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A macro keyboard is a type of computer keyboard that includes additional programmable keys designed to automate and simplify repetitive tasks. These keys, also known as macro keys, can be programmed to execute a series of pre-defined actions with a single press of a button.

A macro keyboard works by allowing the user to program a series of actions, such as keyboard shortcuts, mouse clicks, or complex scripts, and assign them to a single macro key. Once the macro is programmed, pressing the macro key will execute the predefined actions, saving the user time and effort.

Using a macro keyboard can significantly increase productivity and efficiency, particularly for tasks that require repeated actions. It can also help reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries by reducing the number of keystrokes required to complete a task. Additionally, macro keyboards can be customized to suit specific tasks, making them a popular choice among gamers, programmers, and content creators.

Most macro keyboards are compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems. However, it's important to check the keyboard's specifications before purchasing to ensure compatibility with your computer.

Programming a macro keyboard typically involves using software (Arduino IDE) provided by the Arduino Inc. to assign specific actions to each macro key. The software may allow you to record keystrokes or mouse clicks, or write custom scripts to automate more complex tasks. Once the macro is programmed, the keyboard will remember the settings, even if it's disconnected from the computer.

You can check the documentation on our Read the Docs page which comprises of detailed information regarding the macro keyboards. You can find the software, code, circuit designs and along with examples that would help you quick start your own macro keyboard in a jiffy. You can also visit our community page at Reddit, where you can find out more about what others have designed and made or get your questions answered.